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Novinky na Gracii Epilogue

PříspěvekNapsal: 20.2.2010 11:21
od Prasodlak - zdroj

1 - Mailbox
Zrusena sluzba freight (prenos mezi postavami na acc), nahrazena mailboxem. Mail jde pouzivat pouze v peace zone.

2 - Enchant skillu
Nedela se u NPC, ale primo v skill menu

3 - Skilly
Skill Tansfer:
Healeri (Bish, EE, SE) po 3 prestupu dostanou do invu urcity pocet itemu Holy Pomander (Bish - 1; EE - 1; SE - 4). Za ne se muzou u NPC naucit skilly z druhych dvou povolani (1 item = 1 skill). Nasledna zmena stoji 10.000.000 adena, skilly ziskane skill transferem jsou enchantovatelne.

Dark mysticove na lv 14 dostavaji novy skill Choldren of Shillen (Casting speed +13, MP recovery bonus +2%)

Sance na critical hit u nasledujicich skillu: Triple Slash; Soul Breaker; Force Blaster; Double Strike; Fatal Strike; Armor Crush; Demonic Blade Dance; Full Swing; Earthquake; Sword Symphony; Burning Chop; Blade of Hurricane; Crush of Doom; Sonic Buster; Hammer Crush; Tribunal; Force Burst; Spoil Crush; Judgment; Double Sonic Slash; Thunder Storm; Sonic Blaster; Force Storm; Burning Fist; Psycho Symphony; Triple Sonic Slash; Shock Blast; Power Crush; Hurricane Assault; Punch of Doom; Sonic Storm; Force of Destruction

4 - Lokace

Bohuzel zmenou lokaci doslo k vyrazeni/zmene nekterych questu a my je ted musime nejak nabusit zpatky...

5 - Zaken

Daytime Zaken

* Between 1 and 3 parties (9 - 27 players) can challenge Daytime Zaken. If only one party is raiding, then it must be a full party of 9 people.
* When entering with a single party, the party leader can talk to the Pathfinder NPC to gain entry.
* When entering with 2 or 3 parties, the command channel leader can talk to the Pathfinder NPC to gain entry.

Nighttime Zaken

* A raid force between 8 and 50 parties (72 - 450 players) can challenge Nighttime Zaken.
* The raid channel leader can use the Pathfinder Agent to enter.

6 - Questy

Tady toho je strasne moc, takze jen dam k dispozici link na offic. Az zjistime, ktere Q z uvedenych funguji v nasem datapacku, tak vam je sem pripisu